Due to Jean’s advancing years, and not having a current stock of books or other media, our family has made the difficult decision to keep jacksequeira.org active only as a web page. However, Chris will make any managerial decisions as he and his son, Parker, work together as the new web masters.
This means that Jack Sequeira Ministries (JSM), can no longer accept donations or orders for material. Should you wish to order books or DVDs, please contact Creative Media Ministries: 951.440.7688, or Glad Tidings, 269.473.1888.
At this point we must extend our heartfelt gratitude to Jacquie Bokow for her many years spent developing the JSM website since 1996 when we served at Capital Memorial Church in Washington, D.C. Hundreds of souls around the world have been blessed by her expertise and faithful work in making Pastor Jack’s material available. Thank you, Jacquie!
We also honor the memory of Norm and Joan Barker who were the originators of an outreach to share the good news of the gospel by providing information about Pastor Jack’s books and tapes.
Also, we can never forget the many friends who helped financially in getting JSM off the ground. We would have been unable to do this on our own, so, Praise the Lord for all that He has done through others over the years.
Because of these combined efforts, Jack Sequeira Ministries has reached thousands of people around the world. During Jack’s last days when he regretted being unable to preach, Jean went to the web page with the revolving globe and printed that page showing red lights where people had logged on.
It was a great encouragement to him, as have the constant flow of emails and calls of appreciation which continue coming in to us. So, we hope to keep the site up and going in the years ahead.
Finally, we give praise to the Lord for every soul won to Him, and every life changed for His glory. Sincere thanks to each one who has had a part in contributing to the outreach of JSM.
Blessings on your day,