The Three Angels’ Message
By E.H. “Jack” Sequeira

Part 5: Fruits of the Three-Fold Message

Revelation 14:12-13

What Revelation 14 is telling us is that when the Three Angels’ Message has been proclaimed in all its fullness, when it has done it’s job, this world, this human race, will be divided, will be polarized in only two camps — the believers and the unbelievers, the faithful and the unfaithful.  The result will be that there will be two harvests, which will be our next study (verses 14-20).

But today I want to look at a very important section, verses 12 and 13 (especially verse 12), because here we are given a description of what will happen to the faithful, what will the Three Angels Message will produce in the faithful.  And that is important because I hope that all of us here will belong to that group.  Let us look at verse 12:

Here is the patience of the saints, here are they that keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus.

The fruits of the everlasting gospel applied to the lives of the faithful, will produce a three-fold fruit:

  1. patience,
  2. keeping of the commandments,
  3. the faith of Jesus.

By the way, please notice the word “and,” which means they will not only keep the commandments but they will also keep the faith of Jesus.  Now I want to look at each one of these.  First of all, let’s look at the word “patience.” Normally in English, the word patience means somebody who has real self-control.  The Greek word includes that too, but it also has a little different meaning.  It can mean endurance or fortitude or steadfastness or perseverance.  What I want to do is give you a couple of texts where the same word is used in the New Testament.

Turn to Romans 2:7.  The same Greek word is used where it says “to them who by patient continuance in well-doing.” So here the word patience is used in the sense of persevering in doing good.  You know it is easy to do good when people appreciate you, when you see results, but I’ll tell you, it is hard when people don’t appreciate you.  It is hard to work in areas where you see no results.

I’ll tell you one place is the Middle East.  We were lucky when we could at least baptize three Muslims in a year, with all that money we spent.  And we were lucky if we could keep those three Muslims for one year.  It was very hard and very discouraging.  When I was in Jerusalem, the pastor at that time was a schoolmate of mine from Newbold [College].  I said, “How do you enjoy it here, where you see no results?”  You know, he’d been there six years and [had had] one baptism.  And that’s with all the efforts.  And he said, “If that was what I was here for, I would be discouraged.”  But he was there primarily to study Hebrew at the Hebrew University.  He was simply pastoring as kind of a helping hand.

I went visiting with him one Sabbath, and the youngest member of the Jerusalem Church was sixty-five.  They had thirteen members in that Church, a church that could seat about 200.  All of them had come from Romania.  They had not yet had one baptism in Jerusalem.  By the way, it is illegal for a Jew to become a Christian in Israel.  So it’s hard.  Patience means holding on in good things and doing good.

Was Jesus appreciated when he was on this earth?  No, but He kept on doing good.  And that’s the real test of the power of the gospel in your life.  Let me give you another text, 2 Corinthians 1:6, where the same word is used.  And you may want to look up the word if you have a concordance like Young’s.  It is used quite often.  In the majority of cases it has to do with endurance and steadfastness.

And whether we be afflicted, it is for your consolation and salvation which is effectual in the enduring of the same suffering.

And the word enduring is the same word in the Greek.  So when Revelation 14:12 says, “here is the patience of the saints,” what does it mean?  Well, I want to give you a passage that will explain what it means.  But first of all I would like to make it very clear that when you have accepted the gospel, and when the gospel’s power is seen in this world, guaranteed — not maybe, guaranteed — it will bring persecution.

Let’s turn to 2 Timothey 3:12.  There are other texts, but this is a good one.  And John 15, by the way, is also a good one.  Jesus says those who follow me will suffer persecution.  But 2 Timothy 3:12 is a good one in the light of what we are studying:

Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ... [that’s what the Three Angels’ Message will produce: people who live godly in Christ] shall [not maybe, shall] suffer persecution.

Guaranteed, folks.  Now in contrast, let me give you another text.  Turn to John 7:7.  And here Jesus gives the reason why the world will hate you.

The world cannot hate you [talking to the Jews] but me it hates because I testify of it that the works thereof are evil. 

Let me explain what Jesus is saying.  As long as the world sees Christians doing what they [the world] can do, they’ll pat you on the back.  But when the world sees the Christian doing what they cannot do, they will get mad at you.  And that’s why they were mad at Christ.  They could not copy what Christ was doing.  You see, when we compare ourselves, and then we use human righteousness as a measuring stick, then, you know, there is no problem.  But when God’s righteousness is compared or contrasted with human righteousness, our righteousness appears like filthy rags.  And that hurts our pride.  And we get mad.  So when the world sees Christ in you, guaranteed, it will persecute you.

With this in mind, I want to turn to James 1 because James is giving us very important information here pertaining to what we are studying, the patience of the saints.  Look at verses 2, 3, and 4:

My brethren, count it all joy...  [when everything is right?  It doesn’t say that.]  Count it all joy when you fall into divers temptation.

The word “temptation” in the Greek does not mean temptation to sin.  It means trials.  So when your faith is tested, be glad.  Why?

Knowing this, that the trying of your faith, worketh endurance.  But let endurance, or patience have her perfect work, that you may be perfect and entire wanting nothing.

So when God allows you and me to face trials, he doesn’t bring it but He allows it for a purpose, to strengthen our what?  Faith.  Because He knows that the great tribulation is just around the corner, and He wants to prepare a people who will be able to stand the great tribulation.  So please don’t you ever complain when you face trials.  I know the flesh complains, but it is for a purpose.  And God knows that His people cannot endure the tribulation by simply letting them go.  He has to prepare them.  It’s part of His refining work.  So that’s why James says, “Rejoice.” Not because we enjoy suffering, we rejoice because of what it produces in us.  It produces endurance.

It’s the same with anything.  If you don’t use your muscles, you get weaker and weaker.  And so we need to remember that God will allow us to go through trials individually and corporately so as to build us up.  I want to give you another text which says the same thing, Romans chapter 5.  I want you to notice how and what are the steps through which the glory of God is revealed in us.  Remember in chapter 5, the first two verses tells us of the three-fold fruit of justification by faith:  peace with God, standing in grace, and the hope of glory.  And the hope of glory, the steps are in verses 3 and 4:

And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also [The word “glory” means to boast or rejoice.  So we rejoice in tribulation, in trials], knowing that tribulation worketh patience [same thing, or endurance] and patience [produces what?] ...character, and character [produces that] hope: and [that] hope [produces] a people who are not ashamed [of being a Christian] because the love of God is shed abroad in their hearts.

So number one, what does Christ say?  Here is the patience of the saints.  This is what the Three Angels’ Message will produce.  Who is He talking to when He says, “Here is the patience of the saints”?  To the universe, to the world, to Satan and his angels, to everyone:  “Here are my people.”  Now Satan will not take that sitting down.  He will say, “Really?  Can I test them?”  And God will say, “Yes.  I will remove my protection and you can have them, but you can’t kill them.”  And that, folks, is the time of trouble.  First a little time of trouble and then the great time of trouble.

I want to give you a text, folks, that I hope you will take to heart.  These are words from Jesus Christ, Matthew 10.  Jesus warned His disciples.  Now please remember, there was a time of persecution in the early church.  And the reason there was persecution in the early church was because they were revealing the life of Christ.  If you live godly in Christ:  guaranteed persecution.  And the early church was.  I want you to notice what Jesus said to them, because the same counsel applies to us.  The text I want to read is verse 22, but we can read from verse 16 because it gives us the context:

Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves.

That will be the situation of the faithful against the unfaithful.  We’ll be like sheep among wolves.

Be, therefore, wise as serpents [so we may have to flee to the mountains], but harmless as doves.

What does it mean by that?  We may have to suffer persecution, but we must never retaliate; a dove never retaliates.  That would be unlike God.

But beware of men for they will deliver you up to the councils, and they will scourge you in the synagogues and you shall be brought before governors and kings for my sake for a testimony against them and the Gentiles.

This took place in the early church, and it will take place again in a worse way at the end of time.

But when they deliver you up, take no thought how or what you shall speak.

Now I want to emphasize this, because there are a lot of problems here.  It’s in our textbooks now in our schools, something called “situation ethics” — what will you do when you are in a certain situation.  I’ll tell you, you leave it to God.  Let Him guide you at that time.  Premeditating what you will do at that time doesn’t work.  I tried it.  It doesn’t work.  Because when it happens you forget all that you’ve premeditated.  And you turn to God and say, “God, what shall I say, what shall I do in this situation?”  But we are teaching our kids to premeditate what you will do.  Our job is to abide in Christ, and Jesus has promised that when they will deliver you, take no thought how or what you shall speak, for it shall be given you in that same hour what you shall speak.

You know, I was talking to a young lady who is to be baptized this month, and she said, “What is it like in Africa?  Be honest.”  And I told her about the snakes, etc.  And she said, “I don’t think I could ever go there.”

And I said, “Yes, if God calls you there, He will give you the strength.”  As long as you say I can’t do it, that’s fine.  But please remember the other half, “I can do all things,” and He’ll give you the strength, if He calls you to go there.  So folks, Christ has promised us.  Verse 24:

It is not you that speaks, it is the Spirit of your Father which speaketh in you.  And the brother shall deliver up the brother to death, and the father the child, and the children shall rise up against their parents and cause them to be put to death.

And we saw this in Ethiopia:  parents reporting to the communist government that their children were Christians, and visa versa.  It was terrible!  You think it will not happen here?  It can.  And when Jesus made the statement, “I have not come to bring peace, but a sword,” He was saying that the gospel divides, not only the human race into two camps, but it divides families.  One brother may be in one camp and one in the other.  What will it be like in the time of trouble?  They will turn against each other, folks.  It’s hard to believe, but it will happen.  Now look at verse 22, this is what I wanted you to read:

And you shall be hated of all men, for my name’s sake; but he that endureth [the same Greek word; he that is patient] to the end shall be saved.

Can God produce a people who can face the full force of Satan’s attack and still endure to the end?  And the answer is yes.  You remember when we studied the 144,000, the question is, “Who will be able to stand?”  Remember the question Jesus raised in Luke, “When the Son of Man comes, will He find faith?”  The answer is “Yes.”  So actually, Revelation 14:12 is describing the 144,000 which was discussed in Revelation 14:1-5.

So number one, they have patience, the patience not of man but of the saints, the patience of endurance.  And you can’t produce it by yourself.  It comes through a faith relationship with Jesus Christ.

Now number two:  Let’s go back to verse 12 of Chapter 14.  The second fruit is keeping the commandments.  And I need to spend a little time on this, because there is misunderstanding here.  The Bible speaks of two ways of keeping the commandments.  Did the Jews keep the commandments?  In their own eyes, yes.  Let me give you an example.

I want you to look at Philippians 3 and listen to Paul describing himself not as a Christian, but as a Pharisee.  In the last part of verse 5 he says, “As touching the law, a Pharisee.”  What does he mean by that?  What does a Pharisee refer to?  A Pharisee was a person who was very zealous about keeping the law.  He took great pains.  He would pay tithe on every mint and cumin.  And how perfect was Paul as a Pharisee?  Verse 6, the second half again:

Touching the righteousness which is in the law, blameless.

So could he claim and was he claiming as a Jew, “I am keeping the law”?  Yes.  Is this the same as what God is saying here in verse 12?  So that’s why I am exposing you to two ways of keeping the law.  Now the best text that explains the two ways.  There are many of them but I’ll give you one.  Let’s go to Romans 7:6:

But now we are delivered from the law...

That’s a hard text for many Adventists.  “We are delivered from the law.”  But please let’s leave this pending until we come to it in the Sabbath service.

...that being dead therein we were held... [now, the reason that God has delivered us from the law is...] that we should serve in newness of life or spirit and not in the oldness of the letter.

If you think this is the Ceremonial Law, please read verse 7 where he gives you an idea of which law he is talking about.  But our study today is not about what it means to be delivered from under the law.  But I will say this much:  to live under the law is to live under fear, because every time you sin, the law says you must die.  It’s just like being frightened of the police after you have broken the speed limit.  To live under grace is to live in a love relationship.  And we must realize that a Christian is under grace, which means that we serve God in the Spirit and not in the letter.  To serve God in the letter is to keep the law out of fear or out of a desire for reward.  I want you to find a least one statement — there’re two that I’ve come across, one in Patriarchs and Prophets, and one in Steps to Christ; I won’t give you the pages, I want you to look for it — where sister [Ellen G.] White says, “Love to God is the Foundation of true religion.  Any Christian,” she says, “who is serving God, keeping the commandments out of fear of punishment or desire for reward, such religion is worth nothing.”

So we must be clear.  What does it mean to keep the commandments in the spirit?  And I want to give you some examples, so quickly I’ll give you several texts because this is an area we need to wrestle with.  The Jews kept the law mechanically.  To them the law was rules — do’s and don’ts.  And, to a large degree, we have presented the law to our young people as do’s and don’ts.  And they are tired of it.  So I would like to give you the keeping of the law in the spirit.  Now, outwardly they may resemble each other, but we are not dealing with the outward.  We are looking at the inward.  To the legalist, the law is a necessary requirement.  Do I have to do it?  And we say, “Yes, otherwise, no heaven for you” or “God won’t love you.”  And so it becomes a necessity.  And the when they get tired of it, they give up.  “There’s no use,” they say.

But now, let’s start with Galatians.  Galatians 4:10-11.  This is Paul talking to the Galatians who had turned from righteousness by faith to righteousness by law-keeping or by works.  Listen to verses 10 and 11:

You observe days, and months, and times, and years.  I’m afraid of you lest I have bestowed upon you labor in vain.

“I led you to Christ, and now you have turned your back to the gospel, and now you are beginning to keep days and months.”  Was he against keeping days and months?  No.  But he was against the way they were keeping it.  In contrast, look at chapter 5:13-14.  To understand these two verses you need to look at verse 1.

Stand fast, therefore, in the liberty wherewith Christ has made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.

What is the yoke of bondage here?  Legalism.  Keeping the law out of fear of punishment or a desire for reward.  But now he is aware that he may lead people into the opposite camp which is antinomianism and so in verses 13 and 14 he says:

For brethren, you have been called unto liberty.  Only use not liberty for an occasion [or for a license] to the flesh.  But by love, serve one another.  For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this:  thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

Here is keeping the law in the spirit, which Paul encourages.  In fact, I’ll give you another text in Romans which says the same thing, but before we leave Galatians, one more verse, Galatians 6:12.  This is the Judaizers that Paul is evaluating:

As many as desire to make a fair show in the flesh, they constrain you to be circumcised; only lest they should suffer persecution for the cross of Christ.

Do you know what Paul is saying here?  Paul is saying that these legalists were teaching you do’s and don’ts so they can brag how much they have accomplished in the Galatian churches.  And Paul is saying there is no bragging when it comes to the cross.  And so in verse 14 he says:

For me, God forbid that I should glory...[or boast in nothing else, not in my attainments, not in my performance, but I should glory in one thing] the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified to me and I unto to the world.

Can you see the contrast?  Let me give you some more texts, 2 Timothy 3:5, which deals with the last days, is describing keeping the law in the letter:

They have a form of godliness, but no power.

Now in contrast, let me give you some texts on keeping the law in the spirit.  Romans 13.  Paul is in 100% favor in keeping the law, but in the spirit not in the letter.  So Romans 13:8-10 is describing the keeping of the law in the spirit.  It’s the same law, the difference is not in the law, the difference is in the motivation.  Romans 13:8:

Owe no man any thing...

Please, that does not mean you can’t borrow.  Some people look at the text and say, “You must not borrow money, because Paul says so.”  No, what it says is, “When you borrow money, pay it back.”

...but to love one another.  For he that loveth another hath fulfilled [what?] the law.

Then he quotes the Ten Commandments, the commandments that deal with our relationship with one another.  But look at verse 10 now:

Love worketh no ill to his neighbor, therefore love is the fulfilling of the law.

So here is Paul preaching the spirit of the law.  Another person who is very strong on the spirit of the law is John.  I’ll give you some verses.  1 John 3:24.  Let’s start there.

And he that keepeth these commandments dwelleth in him and he in him.  And hereby we know that he abideth in us by the spirit which he has given us.

I explained this once before.  When a person is truly converted, God gives the Holy Spirit and the Spirit brings with Him agape and this agape goes towards your neighbours and everybody sees the love of God manifested through the Spirit dwelling in you.  This is what it means, the love of God is shed abroad.  1 John 4:7, please notice the origin of the law keeping and the love.

Beloved, let us love one another [that’s the fulfilment of the law]: for love is of God; and everyone that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God.

Verse 12:

No man has seen God at any time.  If we love one another [it is evidence, folks], God dwelleth in us, and His love is perfected in us.

One more text in John and that is chapter 5:3:

For this is the love of God [now this is not the best way of translating the original.  What the text really says is, “This is the evidence that you have the love of God.”] that we keep His commandments.  [And please notice the last part] ...And His commandments are not grievous [that is, to those who are in the spirit.  To the flesh the commandments are grievous.]

I’ll give you an illustration from Africa.  One of the biggest problems we face in Africa is tithe-paying.  We face it here, too.  But you know it’s worse there.  And the problem is because many Africans — especially the older ones, the younger ones are improving — but the older ones have not understood the gospel.  In Africa, they look at tithe-paying as a requirement of God to maintain your ticket to heaven.  That’s how they look at tithe-paying.  They look at tithe-paying as a requirement for God to bless you.  You know Malachi 3 says, “I will open the windows of heaven....”  But an African’s culture is based on bargaining.  So he says to God, “I realize you want 10%, but that’s a bit too much.”  So he bargains with God.  “I can’t afford to pay 10%.  I know these missionaries and these foreigners who earn big salaries can afford it, but I can’t.  You know I have 10 children that you have blessed me with and I have to educate them, and the cost of education has gone up, the cost of food has gone up.  So please God, please forgive me, I can’t give 10%.  I know You’re love, You understand my situation, I appreciate that, but I want to pay tithe and here is one penny.  And so he gives one penny, so all of them pay tithe, but it’s only a penny, you know.

And so the poor church then says to America, “We need your help.”  So we send appropriation to help our church there.  Now this is not true of all of them, but there are many who tithe this way.  Our average tithe in Africa should be 500 shillings which is, let’s say, a hundred dollars a year.  That may not be much to you, but according to their salaries, they should be paying one hundred dollars a year.  Our average tithe per capita is one dollar in the best areas, and 50 cents in the worst areas, per year.  They all pay tithe, but it’s a bargaining spirit.

Now if God should offer them salvation free, they’d say, “Wow, I don’t have to pay tithe any more.”  Because they don’t realize.  But what I’m attempting to point out is that the law becomes drudgery for those who keep it in the letter.  But to the true Christian, he delights in the law of God.  To him it is a wonderful thing.  He loves to keep it.  And when his flesh makes him fall, he is angry with himself:  “O wretched man that I am.  I delight in the law of God in the inward man.  O who can deliver me?” Christ says, “It is I only who can deliver you from the flesh.”

So, please remember, when Revelation 14:12 says, “Here are they that keep the commandments of God,” it is not talking about people who are mechanically keeping the law.  He already has a people called the Jews who kept the law mechanically.  He’s talking about people who are manifesting the love of God.  And, by the way, there is a passage I would like you to read on your own, and that’s Matthew 22, where a young man came to Jesus and asked, “What is the greatest commandment?”  And Jesus did not say the Sabbath, or killing, or anything.  He said the greatest commandment is to love God.  And number two:  to love our neighbor as ourselves.  And He said, “On these two [in fact they are one] rest all the law and the prophets.”  So please remember that true law-keeping is the fruit of the Holy Spirit indwelling in the believer who is living by righteousness by faith.

Okay, now we need to go on to the last fruit.  They not only keep the commandments, they have the faith of Jesus.  What does it mean to have the faith of Jesus?  Now, there is a similar text.  And that’s Revelation 12:17, where you have the same phrase:  “They are keeping the commandments of God,” but this time, the other second half is:  “having the testimony of Jesus.”  Now we have normally identified the Testimony of Jesus as the Spirit of Prophecy and use Revelation 19:10.  Now, I don’t want you to misunderstand me.  There are other texts that prove clearly the prophetic gift.  But we must be careful that we use Revelation 19:10 in its context.  Turn to Revelation 19:10.  What does it mean to have the testimony of Jesus, which is the same as having the faith of Jesus because they’re used interchangeably.  The text in the King James is like this: Revelation 19:10:

And I fell at his feet [please remember, this is John falling at the feet of an angel], worshipping him.  [Now, you only worship God.]  And he said unto me, See thou do it not.  I am thy fellow servant and of thy brethren that have the testimony of Jesus.  Worship God [don’t worship me, I don’t deserve worship...worship God] for [he says] the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.

Now that’s the King James you know.  But I have a Bible called the 26 Translations.  I would like to read from several translations to give you an idea because they’re all trying to bring out the Greek:

Those who bear testimony to Jesus are inspired like the prophets. [NEB]

For to bear testimony to Jesus needs the inspiration of the prophets. [Tyndale]

For the truth revealed by Jesus is the inspiration of all prophecy. [Wheymouth]

For the testimony of Jesus is what inspires the prophets. [Goodspeed]

It is the truth concerning Jesus which inspires all prophecy.

Now what is this prophecy really saying?  The testimony of Jesus is simply saying that you have the spirit-controlled life like the prophets had.  The prophets were men and women who were controlled by God.  Therefore, they were fearless.  They were willing to stand alone against all opposition.  You take Jeremiah, Elijah, Isaiah, you take all these prophets — they were men who stood up for the truth even though the heavens fell.  And so it is in this context that Revelation 14:12 says,

Here are they that have the faith of Jesus.

Was Christ persecuted by the Jews?  Yes.  Was He abandoned as far as His feelings were concerned?  Was He abandoned by God on the cross?  Yes.  Did His faith endure unto the end?  Yes.  You read that chapter on Calvary in the Desire of Ages.  It was by faith he was victorious!  This is what it means to have the faith of Jesus.  It means to be able to defend the truth because the Spirit of God is controlling you, the same Spirit who controlled the prophets.  They spoke some hard words.  By the way, the same thing can be applied to Ellen G.  White.  Sometimes she was a loner.  You know, we today, since her death, have put her on a pedestal, but I’ll tell you, you read some of her letters.  She had a hard time with the brethren.  They gave her a hard time.  Sometimes she wished she could go to sleep.  But some of the letters you can’t read because they’re in the vault.  But when I read some of the letters I said, “Boy, she had the spirit of prophecy in the sense that she endured like a true prophet.”  Sometimes, in a committee, the entire committee would turn against her.

I remember reading a letter where she returned from Australia.  It was the time of the General Conference of 1901, a very important General Conference, and she decided not to go.  And the reason she decided not to go because there was a faction, and the faction was over Kellogg, and Kellogg was like her adopted son.  And she said in her prayers, “Lord, I cannot face another 1888.  So I’m not going.”  And God replied, “You go.  Not only do you go but I want you to stay at Kellogg’s home.”

And it was very hard for her.  She knew what she would come up against.  But she went.  She obeyed, because she had the Spirit of prophecy.

Now God is going to produce a people who are spirit-controlled at the end.  And no matter what happens, they will endure.  They will have patience, they will reflect the character of Christ.  They will not retaliate, they will love, and they will stand up for the truth.  And God will say “Here are my people.”

Now when they are tried like Christ was tested on the cross, they will succeed.  They will reflect the power of the gospel.  It is only when Satan fails to change their position, to make them unfaithful, that he gets mad and he breaks the contract, the agreement.  And he passes a decree, they must be killed.  And so God says, “No!”  He steps in.  But God also knows, folks, there are some people, like children and some old people, who will not be able to take it.  And so verse Revelation 14:13 says:

And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Write.  Blessed are they which die in the Lord from henceforth.  Yea said the spirit, They may rest from their labors.

Some of you who can’t take it, He’ll put you to rest.  But our greatest desire is not to rest but to vindicate God’s power.  But He will put some to rest, and even Sister White says so, the children, and the very old who would not be able to handle this, and I don’t know, maybe me, I don’t know if I can handle the snow.

But I’ll tell you, in the time of trouble we will rejoice in the suffering, not because we enjoy it, but because we want Christ to be vindicated.  And His gospel is going to do that.  And the big question today is, “Can God produce, can His gospel produce a people who will be able to stand up against all the full force of Satan and his wicked angels?”  And the answer is “Yes!”  God is able to produce such a people.

“Who will be able to stand?”  And the answer is “Here they are!”  And God says to the angels, “Please hold the winds of strife until I have sealed them.”  What does He seal?  He seals our faith so that it becomes unshakeable.  “And the just shall live by faith.”  So may God bless us that we here may belong to that group who will vindicate the power of the gospel and God will say, “Thank you for allowing me to use you to lighten this earth with His Glory.”

And if you can’t make it, don’t worry.  You’ll go to sleep.  You won’t be destroyed.  You’ll go to sleep until when?  Until Christ comes.

Next we will be looking at the two harvests.  Please read verses 14-20.  You will notice that there are two harvests mentioned there.  And please remember the words of Jesus Christ in the parable, where He says, “The harvest is the end of the world.”  Both camps have to ripen.  The faithful will ripen in Christ, and the unfaithful will ripen in sin.  Both are growing.  Faith will abound in one camp, sin will abound in the other.  There will two harvests — one unto everlasting life, and the other harvest to everlasting destruction.  And it is my prayer that we will be in the harvest of life, even though it may mean going through the great tribulation.

I would like to say regarding this that there are so many members in our church who give up the church for small things.  You forget to greet them and they stop coming to church.  It’s a terrible thing.  We need to reach out to these people, because they are the ones that the Three Angels’ Message must pull into the church.  Because the world is polarizing; I can see it happening.  And these people haven’t given up Christ.  But they are on the fence, and they are weak, and we need to strengthen them and bring them onto the right side.  Because you see, it is not only our concern that we end up in the right camp, but we must also be concerned about our fellow believers who are weak.

But, please remember, this message will polarize the world.  Part of the thing that this message will do to you is create in you and me the burden for other souls.  May this be your concern.

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